Saturday, August 17, 2024

A nice Surprise in August

Just two weeks ago, our good friend Lynn had messaged that she and John would be having a birthday trip to Canada, starting in Toronto and going around the houses, Whistler, Banff, Vancouver and Victoria.

We arranged to align with their plans on Wednesday, meeting up at Butchart Gardens and then spent a dozen hours enjoying Victoria's restaurants and bars, it was a brilliant day, full of laughs and giggles, gin and tonics, pizza, fish and chips and everything else. It was a fantastic surprise and it seemed like we blinked and it was over.


It really brings it home how we are all indexing through this life, all of us around our sixties now (with John not quite there and me the old man of the group approaching the other big one) but we are all still healthy and on the right side of the carpet. Lynn and John are now in Banff, experiencing the Rockies before they fly back to Manchester quite soon, back to less mountains but more beans on toast and cornflakes.

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