Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Snow Days

It has been about three weeks since we had that amazing weather that allowed our roof to be completely done and the cash, that was in the bank, is now a distant memory, but it is lovely to have a new covering to the house. I would take a photo to show it, but it is currently covered in snow.

Everything is covered in snow and there will be snow days, good job we have provisions.

This is turning out to be a rather strange start to the year, for a week or so there we had a big dumpster parked on our driveway and there was disruption, then I was sick with a quite impressive wheezing and creaking set of lungs, plus having blood tests for other phenomenon going on in my body, and now snow everywhere and we're not going nowhere.

Which means we are somewhere, which is here, indoors, looking outwards.

Monday, January 6, 2025

And so it begins....

Our contractor contacted us last week and asked if we were ok with starting the roof project today, mainly as there is a forecast for three or four days of suitable weather for the crew, and for the customer. It was of course a big yes as it will be great to get it out of the way and move on with the year.

The shingles are being delivered as I type.

This is only the third roof we have had replaced in our time in Canada, but by far it is the most complicated. Somewhat similar to the one you can see in the background but with the garage to one side, prices have certainly gone up over the years, in 2002 we paid less than three thousand, in 2009 less than six and today it is just over seventeen.

It's only money.